The Ghent pouter is a very old Flemish breed. According some sources, the first Ghent pouters are situated near Ghent about 1400 A.D. The first special club of Ghent pouter breeders was establishted in 1911 and used as name "Gentse Slagersclub" (Ghent Striker Club). After world-war I, on december 4 1922 this club was renamed into "Kroppersclub Gent" (Pouter Club Ghent) which is still active. During the WWII, the quantity of Ghent pouters dropped dramaticly. Luckily a few breeders could save some subjects which were crossbreeded with Dutch pouters. This resulted that the Ghent pouters were back on the top in almost no time.
Powerful, wide, stocky. The front part carried erect, the back portion carried nearly horizontal, good globing ability, heavy foot feathering..
Head:Short, well-rounded, somewhat high forehead.
Eyes:Lively, expressive; bull in white, dominican, and blue tail marked; orange in other colors; eye cere fine and narrow, light to dark in color.
Beak:Moderately long, powerful; flesh colored in white and light colors, dark in the darker colors; beak color is not very important. Wattle moderately developed.
Globe:Very large; full, reaching out from the breast and shoulders; largest point is at the middle of the globe.
Breast:Powerful, keel long and well-muscled, showing almost no waist.
Back:Nearly horizontal, rather short, wide at the shoulders and somewhat hollow.
Shoulders:As wide as possible.
Wings:Very wide, rather closed, carried on the tail.
Tail:Wide, relatively short.
Legs:Relatively long, set rather wide; long, wide hock feathering; long, thick, rounded muffs.
Feathering:Rich and full.
Selfs in: Black, blue bar, blue check, red, yellow, silver, mealy, cream bar, and white
Pied: The same colors.
Dominican (gansel marked): Black, blue, red, yellow, and silver.
Tigered and splashed: Black, red, yellow and blue.
Tail marked: Black, red, yellow, blue, silver.
Serious faults:
Areas to be evaluated and rated: